How to Help
There are so many wonderful ways you can change a child’s life today.
Give Children the Gift of Hope and Happiness
Whether you share your time and talent as a volunteer or support Bradley children with a donation to fund their programs and services, the gift you provide today will help them create a better tomorrow.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are currently unable to accept donations of used items.
Donate to The Bradley Center
From classroom materials and art supplies to athletic equipment and therapeutic outings, your donations help children at The Bradley Center receive the education, treatment, and services they need to heal, learn, grow, and succeed.
As a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, your donation to The Bradley Center is tax deductible.
Shop Our Amazon Wish List
You can help enhance the lives of the children at The Bradley Center! Your gift from our Amazon Wish List will directly support our mission and bring joy to the children we serve.
Annual Holiday Gift Drive
Sadly, many kids who live at Bradley have never known the joys of the holidays, while others may feel homesick at being away from their families. Thankfully, our gracious donors and volunteers make our Annual Holiday Gift Drive a truly special time of year.
You can volunteer to help the children at Bradley in a wide variety of ways, from teaching them arts and crafts during after-school events to helping our facilities look their very best, and much more! Our volunteer opportunities are available for individuals and organizations.
Other Ways to Support Bradley
Donor-Sponsored Outings
Trips and outings are an essential part of treatment that helps keep Bradley Center youth motivated to make good decisions and to reach their personal improvement goals. Some types of outings that the kids look forward to the most are:
- a group trip to the movies
- a pizza party for the residents
- a day at the museum or the zoo
- a Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game
If you or your organization would like to help provide an outing for the kids of Bradley, please email us or call 412-788-8219 for more information.

Suggested Donations That Help the Children of the Bradley Center
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently unable to accept donations of used items.
Arts & Crafts — Kids love to express themselves creatively. They always need more crayons, colored pencils, markers, notebooks and coloring books, and paper. (NOTE: Please, no spiral notebooks or pencils, pens, or markers with sharp metal pieces.)
Books — For education and for fun!
Clothing — Gifts of shirts, pants, socks, underwear, and shoes for children ages 7-19 are always appreciated. (NOTE: Due to regulations, we are unable to accept gently used clothing; all donated clothes must be new.)
Furniture — Practical and comfortable items including beanbag chairs, desk chairs, comfy chairs, suicide prevention furniture, etc.
Hygiene products – The children at Bradley have all the basics, but they love being able to have their own personal care products with fun scents (body mist, body wash, face cleansers, hair products, lotion, moisturizer, etc.).
Hair tools — Brushes, combs, curling irons, flat irons, hair dryers, etc., help Bradley kids look and feel their best.
Gift cards – Sometimes children arrive at Bradley with very little, and in some cases with only the outfit they are wearing. If we do not have donated clothing available in their size, gift cards help us provide these children with new clothes.
Games and toys — All children deserve to have fun! Bradley kids especially enjoy video games (age-appropriate games rated E or E10+), board games and puzzles, LEGO, Barbie, baby dolls, and Matchbox cars.
Music (MP3 players, speakers, radios, and headphones) — Like most kids, the children at Bradley love listening to music for fun and relaxation. Music can also be therapeutic by helping the kids calm themselves and regain control of their emotions.
Portable DVD Players — Sometimes when stress or anxiety levels are high, a child may need time to unwind and appreciate some alone time, which can be difficult in a group living setting. Portable DVD Players provide the option for a child to watch a movie of their choice and have some quiet time to themselves.
Sports equipment — Basketball, football, and kickball are some of the kids’ favorite sports.