With so much concern about health and safety during the coronavirus crisis, The Bradley Center team is committed to protecting the well-being of children and staff. Below, CEO Lisa Fox outlines the many steps Bradley is taking to keep its employees, students, and surrounding community safe during this unprecedented time.

The Bradley Center has been serving children and families for over a century. Over that time, we have faced daunting challenges and have always been sustained by our commitment to our mission. We take our responsibility to children and families very seriously. The health and safety of the children in our care is always our top priority.

The coronavirus pandemic has introduced great uncertainty and adversity. Yet while there is much fear and trepidation, there is also much courage and inspiration being demonstrated each day. These are extraordinary times, and we are meeting this challenge with extraordinary caution and care. 

As the Coronavirus pandemic began to spread, we took decisive action. We worked with our leadership team and medical staff to establish clear and effective safety protocols that are in line with CDC guidelines. Through the safety procedures we have set in place, we can continue to operate in a way that maintains the safety of our children and staff. 

In addition to our ongoing health and safety guidelines, we have added the following practices:

Agency leaders are coordinating roles and responsibilities for local response, and plans are developed and rapidly implemented. They participate in routine meetings with state and county officials.  

Communication is maintained with all residents, families, and members of the residence treatment team.

All of the children educated at The Bradley School are being taught through distance learning, including through paper packets, virtual learning, and telephone communication.

Staff have received additional training specific to COVID-19, including health and safety behaviors, proper social distancing, and illness prevention.

Additional sanitizing of the facility, including high-touch areas, is conducted daily.

All staff that can work from home are doing so, reducing the number of individuals on the premises to only the necessary direct-care staff. Any sick and/or exposed employees do not come to the agency.

The temperature of each staff member is checked daily and screening questions are asked before beginning work. 

Reusable masks have been provided to all staff, and procedures have been put in place to properly sanitize them each shift. Staff are provided with additional PPE as needed.

Visitations have been moved to telephone and video conferences in order to maintain the health of all involved.

All new admissions undergo extensive screening to ensure there is minimal chance of exposure.

The Bradley Center has full-time Registered Nurses to help meet the psychiatric and physical needs of the residents, including if a resident were to experience symptoms of illness.

In the event that a resident were to show symptoms of illness, The Bradley Center has an isolation/cohort area established with protocols in place and staff identified to work in this area. 

The agency has also outlined a procedure to follow in the event that a child contracts COVID-19. An area of the facility that can be contained has been designated, and employees have received additional training and volunteered to staff the area should it become necessary.

A plan is being developed to help guide how the agency will reintegrate our children, families, stakeholders and staff once social isolation restrictions are lessened and eventually lifted.  

The Bradley Center continues to be staffed to meet the needs of our residents and the agency.  Prospective employees continue to apply on a regular basis in hopes of becoming part of the Bradley team.

While nothing is certain in these days, we are confident that we are operating in a safe, cautious, and responsible way that minimizes any risk to our children and staff. Our commitment to the children we serve is unwavering. That includes both their physical health now, and their long-term well-being as we continue our mission of building lives of possibility. 


Lisa Fox
CEO, The Bradley Center