Since The Bradley School returned to full-time, in-person learning in this school year, our day school student population has increased by 35%. Bradley students are children and adolescents, grades 1–12, who live at Bradley, as well as those who commute to Bradley from surrounding school districts. Local school districts refer students to The Bradley School because we provide specialized education for children who need academic, social, and emotional supports. The need for these supports has increased due to the pandemic. There are now 33 local school districts that refer students to The Bradley School.
We have also expanded our programming due to the completion of the new educational wing that opened in January 2021. Bradley now has two classrooms dedicated to students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We have expanded our Life Skills programming for elementary students, as well as middle and high school students. We offer Cognitive Behavior Intervention for Trauma in Schools, an evidence-based program to help students heal from trauma. We are in the midst of introducing a Bullying Prevention Program to promote a positive school climate. Finally, we are expanding our creative arts programming by equipping a space on our campus designed specifically for music, visual arts, movement/dance, drama, mindfulness, and yoga.